Take out or eat in.
Order in person or call ahead (315.677.3061); lines open at 4:30.
Standard dinner includes an entrée, 2 sides & dinner roll.
Entrée: Haddock (baked or fried), Fried Shrimp or Fried Clams.
Sides: Applesauce, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Fries, Mac 'n' Cheese.
Mac 'n' Cheese dinner, Petite dinner & a la carte options available.
HOMEMADE BAKED GOODS (donations support IC Faith Formation programs).

Check out our new website for The Church of the Nativity here.

Welcome to The Church of the Nativity at Immaculate Conception Pompey located atop the rolling hills of Pompey in Central New York.

One of the most unique features of the Church of the ImmaWest Side - Middle Windowculate Conception is the beautiful, historic, stained glass windows made by Henry Keck Studios of Syracuse.

See a Photo Gallery of all the windows here.


Pope Francis has declared an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy to be a “special time for the Church” in which Catholics throughout the world recall and celebrate God’s mercy.

What is God’s Mercy?

Winter Morning 2016


Click here for the current Lector, Eucharistic Servers, Altar Server Schedule

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